

Flashback Friday - Viva LasVegas 2015

Today I realized two things NUMBER ONE - Exactly one year ago, I was walking down the Vegas Strip with a group of teachers laughing, dancing and having a great time. NUMBER TWO - I realized that I never blogged about it (insert shocked emoji here).  So for Flashback Friday, ...


Monday Made It ~ GinoBond

Today I am FINALLY linking up with the super sweet Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her linky party Monday Made It. ...


Viva Las Vegas ~ 2014

So last summer I was GREEN with envy as I watched all of the pictures coming across my Instagram feed from all of the bloggers who were in Vegas at the I Teach K conference.  I promised myself then that NO MATTER WHAT, I was going to be there and this year I did it. ...

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